  1. Carry On

From the recording New Music for 2024


Carry On
Got in my Camaro a thousand miles from Dallas
A late night call that beckoned me to drive
She pleaded me back home as soon as I can get there
If she holds me close she’ll make it through the night

I faced tornado warnings just outside Nebraska
Blinding lightning in the driving rain

If this old car could fly I would almost be there
I hope she can hold on for a while
Fast as I can, in the wind
The odds against me I will carry on

I see a pathway lying ahead
The road less traveled seems to call my name
I have chosen taking life with passion and chances
A lonely road most have gone away

A life-long ambition to create a tradition
To always move forward straight ahead
Unmovable and headstrong facing the fire
The odds against me I must carry on